iconnect công cụ hỗ trợ mua bán trái phiếu


A tool to help customers track and find advertising orders of individual and institutional customers with the goal of turning corporate bond investment into a superior accumulation product. – Safety, high interest rate, flexible investment term and fastest liquidity.

hoàn tất giao dịch mua bán qua iconnect

Only one operation to complete the purchase and sale transaction.

iconnect giúp khách hàng thuận tiện theo dõi

Automatically arrange suitable ads for buy and sell ads to help customers conveniently track and find suitable partners.

hỗ trợ tính toán lợi nhuận của giao dịch trái phiếu

Online Bond advisory to help calculate the profit of buyers and sellers.

iconnect xem toàn cảnh mua bán trái phiếu

View the overview of Bond trading activities.

Customers when investing in iBond bonds can hold until the end of the bond's term, but most of our customers will buy iBond Bonds and hold with the same term as they are saving at a bank (term 3 months, 6 months, 12 months).

Period <3 months 3 - 6 months 6 - 12 months
Total value transaction (VND) ~6200 bil ~8000 bil ~3000 bil

Customers successfully buy and sell Bonds via iConnect

10.0000 ++

Customers join iConnect

34,000 +

Transactions on iConnect

900 bil ++

Average trading volume of bonds 1 month

Experience now

How to invest iBond and resell iBond on iConnect?

Bước 1

Đầu tư iBond và bán lại iBond trên iConnect như thế nào

Login to customer's account via website https://tcinvest.tcbs.com.vn orApp TCInvest

Bước 2

Đầu tư iBond và bán lại iBond trên iConnect như thế nà?
Đầu tư iBond và bán lại iBond trên iConnect như thế nào

If you do not own an iBond . bond
- Select the item "Trading bonds"
- Select the code of the bond you want to Buy and make a purchase according to the instructions
* Note: Before ordering you can see the estimated profit calculation at Bond advisory

Đầu tư iBond và bán lại iBond trên iConnect như thế nào

If you already own iBond bonds and want to sell
Select “Bond marketplace” and place a Sell order according to the instructions

Method 2: Through the referral of a customer relationship specialist

For advice and support, please contact:

Detailed instructions for iConnect transactions